Course summary
Otoscopy Training is an ear screening procedure to screen for illness during regular patient checkups and investigate ear symptoms. This is a beginner's course for otoscopy. Students will cover anatomy and physiology, paediatric health assessments and the correct use of an otoscope. This course is recommended as an introduction to ear health.
Key information
Half Day
$400 AUD inc GST
per student
Suitable professions
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker
Allied Health Workers
Enrolled Nurse
General Practitioner
Registered Nurse
Course details
Many healthcare roles can perform otoscopy and hearing screening tests. Understanding the basics of the anatomy of the ear and hearing function can be a skill that can translate across many different sectors: aged care, primary health care centres and the education industry. Students in the Otoscopy course will learn the fundamentals of ‘good’ ear and hearing health, understand basic ear health assessment principles, perform otoscopy safely, and why it is so important to screen patients.
This face-to-face course is an introduction to anatomy and physiology, the importance of hearing screening, tympanic membrane assessment landmarks, and otoscopy.
Entrants to the Otoscopy Training course must provide evidence of a relevant professional role. Relevant roles would include:
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners
- Aged Care Health Workers
- Registered Nurses
- Enrolled Nurses
- Allied Health Professionals, E.g., Audiologists
- General Practitioners
- Others on application.
Upon successful completion of the course students should have the ability to:
- Understand the anatomy and physiology of the ear
- Understand the process of sound and hearing
- Recognise tympanic landmarks
- Understand basic ear health assessment
- Perform otoscopy safely.
Half day face to face workshop.
There are no formal assessment requirements for this course.
Introducing Otoscopy Ear Health Screening is important for investigating symptoms or illness that patients experience and actively seek medical assistance with. Build this learning with an understanding of anatomy and physiology, correct use of the otoscope, assessment principles of adults and children, and deliver this knowledge across a wide number of clinical sectors.
The face-to-face workshop involves a lecture and practical workshop activities involving the human auditory system, the mechanisms of hearing and valuable components of otoscopy. Students work with peers in the classroom to conduct simulated examinations as practical skills activities.
Students enrolled in The Benchmarque Group courses should adhere to the following principles:
- Display a commitment to learning and to achieving success
- Be responsible and accountable for their own learning, behaviour and decisions
- Actively participate in all workshop activities and learning experiences
- Attend all scheduled sessions and be punctual at all times
- Complete all online assessments and workplace practice activities
- Work in harmony and respect the rights and opinions of staff and other students
- Treat others as they themselves would like to be treated
- Use acceptable language at all times.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
This course has been designed for those who are new to ear health screening and assessments or a refresher on skills previously learnt.
This workshop is approximately 4 hours of active learning. The hours of active learning should act as a guide to CPD hours. It is the responsibility of the individual student to calculate how many hours of active learning they have completed. As a general guide, one hour of active learning equates to one hour of CPD.
There are no associated assessments with this program. All learning is completed in your workshop.
We teach otoscopy in a face-to-face workshop due to the necessity for the correct usage of the otoscope and its intricacies. Simulation learning provides an engaging setting to enable meaningful learning and offers opportunities to practice your newly learnt skills.
At the completion of the program, successful students will receive a Certificate of Attendance and Digital Badge for the Otoscopy Program.