Course summary

This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge to perform ear health examinations and hearing health evaluations. Students will learn the fundamentals of performing otoscopy, tympanometry, and the theoretical components of audiometric screening, whilst also understanding the associated risks and complications.

Although you are technically ‘workplace ready’, to ensure best practice we recommend that you are observed by a peer in your workplace before performing otoscopy and tympanometry on clients. Please note, all ear health assessment activities must be undertaken in accordance with your workplace policies and procedures.

Key information

3 Days


$3500 AUD inc GST

per student

21 hours study

CPD hours

Purchase our Course in Ear Health Assessment Program ($3,500) and our Hearing and Ear Health Foundations for Healthcare Professionals Course ($45) in our Bundle and SAVE $545. Separate total cost $3,545. Bundle cost: $3,000.

Suitable professions

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker

Allied Health Workers

Allied Health Workers

Enrolled Nurse

Enrolled Nurse

General Practitioner

General Practitioner





Registered Nurse

Registered Nurse

Units of competency


Perform otoscopy


Perform tympanometry


Perform paediatric ear health assessment

Endorsed by

Course details

Entry Requirements
Course content
Learning outcomes
Course delivery
Bundle Pricing
Value for organisations
What we expect

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What level of experience do I need to participate in this course?
Is Foundations a prerequisite for the Course in Ear Health Assessment?
What are the benefits of this course?
What payment options are available?
Will I be workplace ready at the completion of this course?
Can I do tympanometry as a stand-alone program?
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