Course summary

The Chronic Conditions of Foot Course (CHCCCS032) is a nationally accredited unit of competency which aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to provide care, health information and advice in relation to foot health management.

The workshop is practical and students are encouraged to perform their new foot health assessment skills on their peers and manikins. Students will learn how to identify, recognise and provide treatment for general foot conditions as well as determining foot care requirements and interventions.

Conditions explored in the course include neurovascular, arterial, neurological, endocrine and dermatology presentations and characteristics. Although individual assessment of nail cutting is not a component, the course provides theoretical knowledge of the principles and processes of performing basic foot and nail care. 

The Chronic Conditions of the Foot Course (CHCCCS032) is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health under the Chronic Disease Support Project.

Key information

1 Day


$0 AUD inc GST

per student

8 hours study

CPD hours

Suitable professions

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker

Allied Health Workers

Allied Health Workers

Enrolled Nurse

Enrolled Nurse

General Practitioner

General Practitioner





Practice Manager

Practice Manager

Registered Nurse

Registered Nurse

Units of competency


Provide basic foot care

Endorsed by

Course details

Learning outcomes
Entry Requirements
Course content
Value for organisations
What we expect

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I have to complete the prerequisite learning for this course?
How am I assessed for the course?
Is foot care within my scope of practice?
Does this course include nail cutting competency?
Who is providing funding for these programs?
Are there any courses that I can complete after I have completed this workshop?


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