Course Summary

The importance of the first 2000 days and how primary care nurses can shape the future of health.

Paediatric health and physical assessment are fundamental aspects of care that focus on assessing the wellbeing and development of children from infancy through adolescence.

Conducting a thorough and accurate assessment is crucial in identifying any deviations from normal growth and development, detecting potential health issues, and providing early intervention to promote optimal outcomes.

This course is for private group bookings only. If you are interested in having us deliver this training for your group please contact us using the form on the right. 

Key information

1 Day


$16,000 AUD inc GST

per group

8 hours study

CPD hours

Suitable professions

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker

Allied Health Workers

Allied Health Workers

Enrolled Nurse

Enrolled Nurse

General Practitioner

General Practitioner



Registered Nurse

Registered Nurse

Course details

Course content
Entry Requirements
Learning outcomes
Course delivery
Value for Organisations
What we expect

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How many CPD hours will I achieve for completing this Workshop?
Who delivers this course?
How will we practise our skills?


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