Course Summary
The importance of the first 2000 days and how primary care nurses can shape the future of health.
Paediatric health and physical assessment are fundamental aspects of care that focus on assessing the wellbeing and development of children from infancy through adolescence.
Conducting a thorough and accurate assessment is crucial in identifying any deviations from normal growth and development, detecting potential health issues, and providing early intervention to promote optimal outcomes.
This course is for private group bookings only. If you are interested in having us deliver this training for your group please contact us using the form on the right.
Key information
1 Day
$16,000 AUD inc GST
per group
Suitable professions
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker
Allied Health Workers
Enrolled Nurse
General Practitioner
Registered Nurse
Course details
The course delivered by Benchmarque Group is focussed on:
- How to have an appropriate conversation with the parent or caregiver
- Undertaking a quality, comprehensive health check
- Assessment of the unwell child
- Assessment of the well child and developmental assessment
- Escalation and planning
- Support networks for mothers and providers
- Health pathways
Relevant roles would include:
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers
- Allied Health Professionals
- Enrolled Nurses
- Midwives
- Nurse Practitioners
- Paramedics
- Other Health Professionals
- Registered Nurses.
On successful completion of the course, students will have the skills and knowledge to:
- Understand any local jurisdictional requirements linked to paediatric health assessments
- Understand and communicate effectively to address the concerns of the parents or caregivers
- Undertake a quality, comprehensive health check
- Understand and identify signs and symptoms of the unwell child and manage escalations as required.
- Understand the importance of support networks for mothers and caregivers and have knowledge of local support services through health pathways
Full day face-to-face workshop
This face-to-face workshop involves lecture and practical workshop activities and scenarios you typically see in your practice.
You will work with peers in the classroom to conduct practical sessions based on acute presentations and conditions.
There is no additional theoretical learning for this course.
The course is delivered as a one-day in-person workshop delivered by a team of expert facilitators.
The course includes both knowledge and skills. Assessment is undertaken through observation of individuals and practical activity (group-work scenarios).
Paediatric health and physical assessment are fundamental aspects of care that focus on assessing the well-being and development of children from infancy through adolescence.
Conducting a thorough and accurate assessment is crucial in identifying any deviations from normal growth and development, detecting potential health issues, and providing early intervention to promote optimal outcomes.
Students enrolled in Benchmarque Group courses should adhere to the following principles:
- Display a commitment to learning and to achieving success
- Be responsible and accountable for their own learning, behaviour and decisions
- Actively participate in all workshop activities and learning experiences
- Attend all scheduled sessions and be punctual at all times
- Complete all online assessments and workplace practice activities
- Work in harmony and respect the rights and opinions of staff and other students
- Treat others as they themselves would like to be treated
- Use acceptable language at all times.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Approximately 8 Hours.
As a general guide, one hour of active learning equates to one hour of CPD. It is the responsibility of the individual student to calculate how many hours of active learning have been completed. The hours of active learning estimated above should act as a guide to CPD hours.
The paediatric assessment course is co-facilitated by 2 expert trainers with experience in both primary healthcare nursing and midwifery.
Unfortunately, we cannot use real babies in the classroom although it would be very cute. We have a slightly scary range of manikins that we use in the classroom to allow students to practise all the skills needed to complete a health assessment.