Course Summary

This course is designed to provide management strategies, recognise complications and risks associated with microsuction, and identify referral pathways for specialist care in relation to a range of conditions associated with microsuction, based on detailed pre-requisite knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the auditory system. 

It will provide participants with a range of knowledge, and skills to perform ear wax removal by microsuctioning of the ear canal for the purpose of wax and foreign body removal. 

This course is an approved RACGP activity (Activity Id: 502807):

  • Reviewing Performance - 2 Hours
  • Educational Activities - 2.5 Hours.

This course involves principles of microsuction, otoscopy and depth perception, curettage, and microsuction techniques for wax removal. 

The Course in Ear Wax Removal (Microsuction) is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to provide management strategies, recognise complications and risks associated with microsuction and identify referral pathways for specialist care in relation to a range of conditions associated with microsuction, based on detailed pre-requisite knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the auditory system.

This course is for private group bookings of GPs only. If you are interested in having us deliver this training for your group please contact us using the form on the right. If you are an individual GP you will need to enrol in one of the public workshops listed here.

Key information

Half Day


$5000 AUD inc GST

per group

4 hours study

CPD hours

Suitable professions

General Practitioner

General Practitioner

Units of competency


Perform ear wax removal by microsuction

RACGP Reviewing Performance

2 Hours

RACGP Educational Activities

2.5 Hours

Endorsed by

Course details

Entry Requirements
Course content
Learning outcomes
Course delivery
Pre Reading
Assessment Requirements
Value for organisations
What we expect

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What level of experience do I need to participate in this course?
Can I do Ear Wax Removal (Microsuction) if I have an Astigmatism?
If I do Ear Wax Removal (Irrigation), do I also need to complete Microsuction?
What is the difference between the GP Stream and the regular microsuction course?

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