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Media Kits for Organisations

About our Course
Media Kits

Incredible clinicians make for incredible organisations - PHN’s, ACCHO’s, and private clinics, we’re talking to you!

Our brand-new media kits for each of our courses will help effectively inform your team, and healthcare professionals in your community, about each of our offerings and we would love to share them with you!

Why Benchmarque

What’s in it for organisations?

  • Support, and inform, your healthcare professional community and deliver nationally accredited training courses that are purposeful, practical, and thankfully fun.
  • Building a course always starts with an understanding what is needed in primary healthcare. It’s not about time, cost, or limitation – it starts with need. From here, we can fill in the gaps of theoretical knowledge and clinical practice.
  • Learning new skills allows clinicians to change or expand their scope of practice, and help meet the capacity needed in
  • Benchmarque Group works with Commonwealth and State Health Departments, Private sector institutions, and community-based organisations on a mission to deliver education and help healthcare professionals learn, connect, and grow.
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Our media Kits

Course Media Kits

Be on your way to an upskilled workforce!

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