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1300 855 568
Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5pm
Ground Floor, 101 Cremorne Street, Cremorne, VIC 3121
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The future
of healthcare
is you

Studying with Benchmarque Group

Choose your own study adventure
Our growing range of courses allow you to choose a study model that can be completed at a pace that works for you, your current lifestyle, and workplace.
Nationally recognised courses
Expand your skills and ultimately, your career, with qualifications that can be added immediately to your scope of practice, and deal with current needs in your community.
The art of learning
Whether you want to take your career in a new direction or simply feel more confident day-to-day, our courses for nurses provide a simple and affordable way to gain skills relevant to your role.
Friends with industry benefits
Engagement and usability make study more fun. We’re paving the way for innovative and easy online learning through our own online learning management system and student administration platform, accessIQ.
Anywhere, anytime, any device
The accessIQ online learning management system allows you to track course progress, enrolments and waitlists. Easily edit assessments in real time, and review your work before submission.
Real life community
We may take our jobs seriously, but not ourselves. Our IRL community includes a growing team of super passionate individuals, with a shared goal to make Australia’s health workforce the absolute best.

of students see value in returning to Benchmarque

Over 6000 Benchmarque students see continued learning as key to career progression - they want to do another course!

Study with us

Great clinicians make
great organisations

Clinical skills training

We support a wide-range of healthcare professionals across orgainsations including: Nurses, General Practitioners, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers & Practitioners, and Practice Secretaries & Managers

Government funded courses

It’s truly a win-win. Our fully-funded courses play a major role in helping the Government equip Australia’s health workforce to address healthcare issues of national importance.

National Accredited Courses

We believe there’s strength in numbers, which is why all of our nationally accredited courses can be delivered as group bookings for your team. Working closely together, we’re committed to providing content that is purposeful, practical, and ultimately, fun.

Let’s talk

Setting the Benchmarque

We’ve been doing this for 15 years, which means we’ve seen a lot change in Primary Healthcare – as practitioners, educators, and as patients. We’re committed to leading and improving the future, which means above all, investing in the student.
Get to know us
4.8 stars Based on 1200 reviews
A great workshop
The workshop was very interesting and I feel I’ve walked away with a better understanding of ear health
Tympanometry Student
Tympanometry Student, March 2023