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Foundations of Chronic Disease

The Foundations of Chronic Disease program is delivered 100% online and free to complete, the program is aimed at a range of health professionals working within Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health, or have Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients.

This is a fantastic opportunity to either refresh your foundational knowledge or start your learning journey in chronic disease.

Knowledge outcomes include:

  • Understand the burden of chronic disease
  • Identify priority groups
  • Understand the health professional’s role in Close the Gap
  • Understand the patient journey and link to coordinated care, cultural safety, health literacy and communication styles
  • Identify the need for prevention and the use of prevention tools
  • Understand care coordination.

The Foundations of Chronic Disease program is the the gateway for our new Chronic Disease Learning Pathway. Nationally accredited extended learning options within the pathway will include fully funded face-to-face programs (coming soon). These programs are fully funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.

Topics will include Chronic Conditions and Nutrition, Chronic Conditions of the Foot, Chronic Disease Care Planning and Chronic Disease Management Tools.

Completing the Foundations of Chronic Disease Program now will enable you to apply directly into these programs once they are available.

So, if you're looking at a career in chronic disease or just want to expand your knowledge - take the first step today and apply now.

To apply now, please CLICK HERE

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