Course summary

Delivered 100% online and free to complete, the Foundations of Chronic Disease Course is aimed at a range of health professionals working within Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health, or have Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients

The course aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to provide foundation chronic disease education, understand the burden of chronic disease and the impact on Australia, identify chronic disease models, and the tools and resources used in managing chronic conditions in the primary health care arena. It also allows the student to build and embed foundational knowledge to allow advancement to further learning workshops.

Key information

$0 AUD inc GST

per student

Online Only

Complete anywhere

10 hours study

CPD hours

Suitable professions

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker

Allied Health Workers

Allied Health Workers

Enrolled Nurse

Enrolled Nurse

General Practitioner

General Practitioner

Practice Manager

Practice Manager

Registered Nurse

Registered Nurse

Course details

Course outline
Learning outcomes
Entry Requirements
Value for organisations
What to expect
What we expect

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?
How many CPD hours will I achieve for completing this Program?
How long do I have to complete the assessment?
What if I cannot complete the assessment in the allocated time?
How many times can I submit my assessment?
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